Makeshift Smokers for Summer Grilling!

It’s peak grilling season, and if you’re like us, you’re trying to find ways to cook nearly every meal over open flames. And if you’re lucky enough to have a smoker out on the patio, you know how that smoky aroma can elevate just about any dish. If you aren’t, don’t despair.  Thanks to the wonderful world wide web, you can channel your inner MacGyver and craft your own smoker. We’ve scoured the ‘net and found four comprehensive step-by-step instructions that range from flowerpots to a cinder block smoke cave.

Check each of these out and choose one that fits your needs and space. We’re listing them in order of size. If you do flex your inner handyman skills, do let us know how it goes!

  • The ever-popular trash can smoker, one of the original DIY smokers that uses little more than a steel drum trash can and a “fire basket.”

Be forewarned that, regardless of the version you choose to craft, these are serious projects. We suggest reading instructions thoroughly and making sure you have the requisite materials and tools before you get started. Once constructed properly, we’re sure that the amazing smoked flavor will be worth the effort!